
Probing Beneath the Surface of the Intelligent Design Controversy

‘… to truly understand I.D., people need to look at things in ways that are different from our accustomed patterns.’

Where Citizens and Journalists Intersect

‘The crucial leap will be helping our audience become involved in the process much more directly.’

When the Conflict Narrative Doesn’t Fit

‘Conflict does attract readers. But pursued as a virtue unto itself, it can distort news stories and skew public understanding.’

In Kansas, the Debate About Science Evolves

One veteran reporter describes the complexities involved in telling this story as like entering ‘The Land of Muck.’

The Future Is Here, But Do News Media Companies See It?

The news industry is a resilient bunch. Newspapers, in particular, represent some of the United States’s oldest and most respected companies. So far they have weathered storms of significant social,…

Citizen Journalism and the BBC

‘… when major events occur, the public can offer us as much new information as we are able to broadcast to them. From now on, news coverage is a partnership.’

Remembering One of Journalism’s Finest Moments

‘Good Night, and Good Luck’ brings to life how and why Edward R. Murrow pushed CBS News to confront Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s un-American tactics.

Knowing When to Stop Reporting About a Scandal

A journalist describes the stages of a scandal, explains the news media’s role, and wonders why they don’t keep digging once the person has been punished.

Fear, Loathing and the Promise of Public Insight Journalism

A journalist wonders whether the mainstream news media will adapt fast enough to their changing relationship with the public to survive.

The BBC’s College of Journalism

The BBC is establishing a College of Journalism to raise and support editorial standards. All journalistic staff in the BBC will be given a minimum level of training each year,…