Articles Courage: What Network News Needs Now ‘Network news spent decades establishing its solid credentials. Now is no time for it to lose its nerve.’ June 15, 2006 Bill Wheatley A Local Newspaper Endures a Stormy Backlash ‘We had the opportunity to tell the story of powerless people who'd been hurt by powerful people who counted on the public never learning what they'd done.’ June 15, 2006 Dean Miller Editorial Pages: Why Courage Is Hard to Find The Star Tribune published strong editorials about Bush administration truth telling when few other papers did, and an editor there explores some reasons why. June 15, 2006 Jim Boyd The Difficult Isolation Courage Can Bring Newspaper boycotts forced ‘the need for courage beyond the physical ….’ June 15, 2006 Hodding Carter III The Muslim Cartoon Controversy Exposed an Absence of Courage ‘… the continuing timidity of the American media looked increasingly like cowardice, appeasement, or better-you-than-me cynicism.’ June 15, 2006 Doug Marlette The Center for Public Integrity: What It Is From its founding in 1989 to the end of 2004, when I stepped down as its director, the nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity grew to a full-time staff of 40… June 15, 2006 Charles Lewis Transforming Anger at Journalists’ Deaths Into Action The International News Safety Institute provides training and support for journalists whose work puts them in danger. June 15, 2006 Rodney Pinder The Survival Mode of Reporting From a War Zone ‘Our generation is more vocal about trauma we experience than others have been. It can't be avoided when you see this much violence and senseless death.’ June 15, 2006 Farnaz Fassihi When Bearing Witness Overrides a Reporter’s Fear ‘… courage is not me, a clunky reporter clutching a notebook and treading on people’s lives, trying to get them to open up their souls.’ June 15, 2006 Janine di Giovanni Witnessing War to Send Its Images Home ‘What of our colleagues who have trauma engraved on their psyches?’ June 15, 2006 Santiago Lyon Previous 1 … 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 … 433 Next