
Global Health Fellowships at the Nieman Foundation

In a new and unique collaborative effort, Nieman Fellows devote a year to the study of global health issues, including a reporting trip to a developing nation.

The Terror of Disease

John M. Barry concludes his book, “The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History,” with the following haunting words. There was terror afoot in 1918. The randomness…

Press Lessons From the 1918 Pandemic Flu

In his book, “The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History,” John M. Barry explains in great detail what happened to people and public institutions, including the…

Allister Sparks Laments the Journalistic Decline of the United States—His Lodestar

Allister Sparks, of South Africa, is my closest and dearest friend, although we are thousands of miles apart. We have been friends since we were Niemans together in 1962-63. And…

Afghans Learn How to Tell Visual Stories

Founded by a photojournalist, a school and photo agency offer Afghans the opportunity to show their country through their eyes.

Laughter and Memories Shared Amid Danger

An interpreter says that if the Taliban fighter ‘found out I worked for foreigners’ — here Qahir ran his finger across his neck — ‘no more questions, I’m slaughtered.’

The War in Iraq and 9/11: Recent Investigative Books

Chandrasekaran, Rajiv, "Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone" (Knopf). Cockburn, Patrick, "The Occupation: War and Resistance in Iraq" (Verso). DeYoung, Karen, "Soldier: The Life of Colin…

The War in Iraq and 9/11: Interviews with Journalist Authors

Links to in-depth interviews with journalist authors. We are grateful to the hosts and producers of these various shows for helping us create this unique online database.

The Book as an Investigative Vehicle for News

A journalist explores why news organizations too often fail ‘to treat the investigative discoveries of the book authors as headline grabbers.’

Examining Closely Why an Important Story Is Not

In an excerpt from his upcoming book, journalist Roy Gutman returns to a critical moment in Afghanistan's past to explore the news media's response.