
Preparing for the Crisis

Whether it involves education, law enforcement or public health, preparation for pandemic flu should be underway in every community. Speakers addressed tasks and topics that should be examined by reporters,…

Reacting to the Crisis

Much has been learned about how people react and respond to disasters. From these experiences emerge lessons that can guide journalists in understanding better what they can expect to happen…

Interaction of Journalists and Sources

What transpired between journalists and sources during past disasters and crises—such as the 2001 anthrax attacks—can illuminate challenges confronting the press as it seeks reliable information from experts. Some lessons…

Creating a Bookshelf of Valuable Resources

As a media fellow at the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Maryn McKenna, author of “Beating Back the Devil: On the Front Lines with the Disease Detectives of the Epidemic…

Communicating News of an Outbreak

For those who will bear the responsibility of communicating to journalists during an outbreak of pandemic flu, the preparation comes in the daily exchanges they are having already with reporters…

The War in Iraq and 9/11: Recent Investigative Books

Chandrasekaran, Rajiv, "Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone" (Knopf). Cockburn, Patrick, "The Occupation: War and Resistance in Iraq" (Verso). DeYoung, Karen, "Soldier: The Life of Colin…

On a Perilous Reporting Journey to Southwestern Afghanistan

A Pakistani journalist is held by the Taliban, then faces a challenging trip back to the border with information rarely obtained by reporters.

Spring 2007: Avian Flu Introduction

"The Next Big Health Crisis—And How to Cover It" brought journalists together with scientists, public health officials, medical experts, academic researchers, law enforcement officers, public policy experts, and Homeland Security…

Spring 2007: Introduction

Caught in a fierce Taliban ambush while traveling last summer with coalition troops in southern Afghanistan, (London) Sunday Times foreign correspondent Christina Lamb writes about her escape from death, her…

Military Barriers Impede a Newspaper’s Investigation

When the Los Angeles Times set out to tell how two Afghans held in U.S. military custody died, its efforts to report the story met resistance at every twist and…