
A Dilemma for Black Women in Broadcast Journalism

‘They say you look militant, like Angela Davis. You're scaring them!’

‘A Voice, a Brain, and a Notebook’

Bloggers have taken up where I.F. Stone left off, and journalists shouldn't be far behind.
Women and Islam: Bearing Witness to Their Daily Lives

Women and Islam: Bearing Witness to Their Daily Lives

An Essay in Words and Photographs

The Civil Rights Struggle and the Press

A book revisits the time when only a few brave voices in the Southern press stood up against the many ‘that supported and often led massive resistance to change.’

Demonstrating the Craft of Writing

A book ‘grounds the reader in practical improvement by presenting 50 sharp, focused “tools.”’

A Sampling of Clark’s 50 Writing Tools

RELATED ARTICLE“Demonstrating the Craft of Writing”– Tom Ehrenfeld7.Fear not the long sentence. Take the reader on a journey of language and meaning.9.Let punctuation control pace and space. Learn the rules, but…

Muslims in America: Creating a New Beat

A New York Times reporter—a non-Muslim—looked for pathways into the Muslim experience and, once found, she immersed herself to tell the story.

Photo Gallery: Gulbuddin Elham

I was forced to postpone my studies at Kabul University’s school of journalism during the Taliban era. Now I am 30 years old, and I have three children. I chose…

Photo Gallery

I learned photography in my father’s studio in Kabul. Under Taliban rule I was arrested five times for "photograph related crimes" and for cutting my beard. I taught the first…

Photo Gallery: Safya Saify

I started a photography career in my university course of social science, where I focused on projects about women’s issues. The World Bank then offered me a scholarship to study…