
Understanding Iran: Reporters Who Do Are Exiled, Pressured or Jailed

‘Roxana’s work consistently gave the lie to the narrative of a monolithic Islamic Republic.’

Pouring Meaning Into Numbers

In using EPA data, USA Today’s watchdog project empowered ‘parents to learn about the types and sources of chemicals that might be in the air near their child’s school.’

Mining the Coal Beat: Keeping Watch Over an ‘Outlaw’ Industry

Digging through records, creating new databases, and asking key questions leads a West Virginia reporter to important investigative stories about the coal industry.

The Journey of the 2009 Nieman Fellows—And of the Foundation

In their experiences, conversations and future directions, they create a portrait of what is happening in journalism today.

Imprisoning Journalists Silences Others

While most Iranian journalists have to operate with extreme caution, foreign journalists can be more frank on the issues they face in Iran.

Fear and Self-Censorship in Vladimir Putin’s Russia

‘One bargains with oneself. How much can I sacrifice before I lose respect for myself as a journalist?’

The Virtual Iran Beat

‘Speaking Farsi helps expand our ability to gather news. It means we can tap into a more extensive network and speak to more Iranians, even if we’re not based in…

Attempting to Silence Iran’s ‘Weblogistan’

‘Iran’s filtering and blocking regime has been described by various experts as second only to China’s.’

When the Predictable Overtakes the Real News About Iran

‘What makes news in the West are Iran’s "menacing" actions in Iraq or words against Israel, with such stories told in a similar narrative, encased in little context and with…

Publishing and Mapping Iran’s Weblogistan

Iran’s home page on the Global Voices Web site.RELATED ARTICLE“Attempting to Silence Iran’s ‘Weblogistan’”– Mohamed Abdel DayemHarvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society has been home to two unique…