Articles Preparing to Cover a Pandemic: A New Guide for Journalists ‘The idea behind this guide is to provide an accessible, trusted resource in case the H1N1 strain, or any new or known flu strain, strikes in more deadly form.’ October 23, 2009 Bob Giles An Opposing Viewpoint: The Struggle to Be Heard I have a bone to pick with The Washington Post, particularly the editorial page.The Post has repeatedly opened its pages to the advocacy and analysis of former journalist Tamar Jacoby.… October 22, 2009 Jerry Kammer Kammer Replies to Tamar Jacoby’s Letter to the Editor LETTER TO THE EDITORRead Tamar Jacoby’s original letterTamar Jacoby is a graceful writer and able advocate of the proposition that Congress should provide low-wage employers easy access to deep international… October 22, 2009 Jerry Kammer Letter to the Editor RESPONSERead Kammer’s response to this letterI’m writing to set the record straight and correct some troubling misperceptions created by Jerry Kammer’s article, “An Opposing Viewpoint: The Struggle to Be Heard,”… October 22, 2009 Tamar Jacoby The Newsroom’s Disdain for Revealing Reporters’ Political Leanings (Extended) An extended, online-only version of Reed Richardson's piece, "The Newsroom's Disdain for Revealing Reporters' Political Leanings." September 28, 2009 Reed Richardson The Newsroom’s Disdain for Revealing Reporters’ Political Leanings A journalist argues that maintaining ‘the veneer of political impartiality devalues reporting and marginalizes the press’s fundamental role in our democracy.’ September 28, 2009 Reed Richardson The Newsroom’s Disdain for Revealing Reporters’ Political Leanings (Extended) An extended, online-only version of Reed Richardson's essay, "The Newsroom's Disdain for Revealing Reporter's Political Leanings" September 28, 2009 Reed Richardson Creating Ethical Bridges From Journalism to Digital News ‘… what appears on Web sites and on blogs is not generally regarded as adhering to standards that govern legacy news organizations.’ September 28, 2009 Jan Leach A Reporter’s Toolbag: Reduced to Two—Flip Camera and iPhone In demonstrating how he uses these digital devices to report, a journalist argues that it's time to replace pen and paper with voice, video and photos. September 25, 2009 Tom Regan A Reporter’s Toolbag: Reduced to Two—Flip Camera and iPhone In demonstrating how he uses these digital devices to report, a journalist argues that it's time to replace pen and paper with voice, video and photos. September 25, 2009 Tom Regan Previous 1 … 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 … 433 Next