
Narratives—With Trauma at Their Core

‘There’s a kind of emotional insight that a skilled writer with a great command of language and of the human condition brings to a story.’

Visual Storytelling About the Human Condition

‘The tools are so powerful now that, as journalists, we can … be focused on doing the kind of journalism we want to do and then partnering with other organizations…

A Journalist and a Survivor

‘If I can give advice to journalists, I suggest it’s all about relationships.’

Winter 2009: Introduction

Reporting in the aftermath of tragedy and violence, journalists discover what happens when people survive crippling moments of horror. Pushing past what is formulaic and numbing, they find ways to…

Bringing What’s Buried in Folders to Life

‘The closer I felt to these people, the more attention I paid to details—to timelines, to chronologies, to what kind of food they ate, what kind of medication they were…

Approaching Emotional Pain—As a Journalist

‘Routinely we witness the awful things that people do to each other and the most enduring awfulness of all, the aftermath.’

Tears Are Part of Telling the Story

‘That day in the bedroom Gary asked the questions; he fought the urge to cry. He did his job.’

When They Come for Us

‘… when you are compelled to leave your … family, your work, your country, and your life as you knew it, that’s when you realize you cannot give up. You…

Manipulator or Human Rights Facilitator?

A journalist involved with the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s radio coverage of that country’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission describes how it was done and why decisions made about its approach…

Manipulator or Human Rights Facilitator? (Extended)

An extended, online-only version of Antjie Krog's "Manipulator or Human Rights Facilitator?"