
Media Assistance on the Global Stage

The intertwined, global array of media assistance funders and implementers has become almost too complex to describe. RELATED ARTICLE“Questioning the Western Approach to Training”Money comes from international organizations (e.g., the…

Investigating Farm Subsidies on a Global Stage

Farm subsidies in Europe is a natural topic for journalists. Investigative reporters know what comes from following the money. Since close to half of the European Union’s total budget goes…

An Idea Born Out of Necessity—And It Works!

‘Journalists who have promising ideas for investigations but work for news organizations with few resources apply for support.’

A Bulgarian Reporter’s Journey Traces a Nation’s Progress

Once beaten and tried in court for his investigative reporting, Stanimir Vaglenov now teaches young journalists and manages uncensored Internet projects for the nation’s leading news group.

Questioning the Western Approach to Training

‘International journalism training can have the feel of a quite rigid, institutionalized sense of what must be done even while operating in an environment of increasing contingency and dynamic change…

Investigative Reporting Project Checklist

Here is my 10-point checklist for enterprise projects—stories that I choose to do. There are some stories that are so important or timely that a checklist is irrelevant or misguided.…

Spring 2011: Class Notes

Max Hall, 1910-2011; Longtime Editor at Harvard and AuthorRELATED LINKRead his obituary in The Boston Globe.Max Hall, NF ’50, died January 12th in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was 100 years old.A…

Resources for Investigative Reporters

If you know of other sources, or if you would like your website to be considered, please contact us at Reporters for Investigative Journalism Article 19Brazilian Investigative Journalism AssociationBBC…
La Abundancia de Imágenes: ¿Esta Llevando a una Trivialización de la Fotografía?

La Abundancia de Imágenes: ¿Esta Llevando a una Trivialización de la Fotografía?

El Juncal, Ecuador (1996) Quito, Ecuador (1996) Mérida, Venezuela (1999) El Brazo, Colombia (1995) Atacama, Chile (1995) Ayacucho, Perú (2001) Cayambe, Ecuador (1998) Sigsig, Ecuador (1985) Toledo, Bolivia Achacachi, Bolivia…

Russia: Corruption Isn’t Only a Threat to the System—It Is the System

Russia has surpassed Pakistan and Zimbabwe in corruption levels, according to Transparency International’s 2010 report. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s administration says that in just one year corrupt government contracts drained…