
Health Draws a Community Together Online

‘A new mindset emerged as the site’s gates swung open to community involvement. Now, community members are part of what we do every step along the way—and we are progressing…

What Football Pep Talks Taught Hyperlocal Reporters

‘Inestimable value comes out of making a human connection visible through something as ordinary as a half-time pep talk by a coach to his players.’

Writing About People You Know

‘In community journalism, there is no place to hide, and if you want to hide, then you have no business in this business anyway.’

What We Learn Informs What We Do

A bilingual sign in a local farmers’ market. Photo by Daniela Gerson.RELATED ARTICLE“Reporting Pushes Past Language and Ethnic Divides”– Daniela GersonThe Alhambra Source was born out of…

Finding Information Pathways to Community Inclusion

‘I yearned for grass-roots assessments of every community’s information ecology and widespread advocacy for stronger, more democratic media.’

Journalism of Value = Context for Communities

The approach the Chicago News Cooperative is ‘trying to use journalism to create communities organized around an interest in the news.’

When Machines Decide What We ‘Think’

The Internet helps like-minded citizens find each other, but does it foster democracy? A while back Eli Pariser, board president and former executive director of the liberal advocacy group,…

Curation, Community and the Future of News

‘People are clearly overwhelmed by the growing volume and weight of digital content and messaging that they feel compelled to process.’

When Community and Journalism Converge

‘… I am bypassing the predictable, often sensational headlines to explore the profound ways that digital storytelling can be a force for political mediation.’

Start Spreading the News

‘Word of link’s power is like nothing we’ve experienced before. It’s about how we pass along information, share ideas, and expand business in our digital times.’