Articles Engaging Communities: Content and Conversation ‘Editors ought to require that story pitches and budget lines include an engagement component, reflecting community conversation, collaboration and outreach.’ June 27, 2011 Joy Mayer Online Comments: Dialogue or Diatribe? Among the minority who dominate the online conversation is ‘the digital equivalent of the loudest drunk in the bar.’ June 16, 2011 Alicia C. Shepard Community: A New Business Model for News ‘… the most powerful emerging business driver in the new economy is community.’ June 15, 2011 Michael Skoler Local Reporting Builds a Community’s ‘Social Capital’ ‘Community journalism assumes its value in finding ways to connect people—by identifying passions and concerns they share, linking neighbor to neighbor, and motivating people to act.’ June 15, 2011 David Joyner A Photographer’s Journey: From Newspapers to Social Media In this photo essay from the Fall 2009 issue of Nieman Reports, Philadelphia photojournalist Jim MacMillan discusses how social media helped his post-newspaper career. June 13, 2011 Jim MacMillan In a Time of Need, a Friend Indeed ‘I imagine [the memorial service for the Rev. Peter J. Gomes] was filled with people like me who needed to thank a man, a minister, who helped them believe again—whether… June 10, 2011 Patricia S. Guthrie Remembering James H. McCartney Rick Smith, a longtime friend of James H. McCartney, NF ’64, delivered this eulogy at a memorial service in early June at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.When I… June 10, 2011 Rick Smith Summer 2011: Introduction In digital space, journalists are proving to be a powerful force in creating, nurturing and engaging communities. No longer serving only geographic zones, they confront the fragmentation of audience and the need to attract and… June 10, 2011 Melissa Ludtke Summer 2011: Class Notes 1964James H. McCartney, a longtime Washington correspondent and columnist who specialized in foreign affairs and defense policy, died at his home in Florida on May 6th from cancer. He was… June 10, 2011 Jan Gardner Reporting Pushes Past Language and Ethnic Divides ‘… Alhambra Source has revealed significant lessons about the power of journalism to build community in diverse and underserved areas.’ June 10, 2011 Daniela Gerson Previous 1 … 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 … 432 Next