
Consumer Retorts

When everybody’s a critic, what’s the role of a professional reviewer?

The Reviewer Reviewed

A critic-turned-novelest explores the borders between journalism and fiction

Minimize Description, Maximize Observation

Pulitzer-winner Blair Kamin schools Harvard students in the art of architecture criticism

But Is It Art?

How the roles of curator and critic can be complementary rather than combative

Critical Condition

“If you are counting full-time critic jobs at newspapers, you may as well count tombstones.” That was the response of Johanna Keller, director of the Goldring Arts Journalism Program at…

The Abnormality of Daily Life

The stench seeps through the walls of the morgue. It wafts through schools, businesses and homes, impregnates clothing, sticks in throats and noses, provokes nausea, obliges one to walk faster.…

Download the Cover Package

Instructions:FOR KINDLE: Download and save the .mobi file to your computer, then transfer to your Kindle via USB, Send to Kindle, or your Kindle e-mail address.FOR TABLETS AND SMARTPHONES: Download…

“Exposing the Forces that Grind People Down”

For more than 30 years, author Barbara Ehrenreich has been trying to engage and enrage the public about the devastating impact of poverty in the United States. She’s had some…

Concision and Clarity: The Video Interview

Rock criticism was not a profession, much less an art, when Robert Christgau returned to New York after graduating from Dartmouth College in 1962, at the age of 20. The…

Concision and Clarity: The Extended Transcript

Brett Anderson: We’re here with Robert Christgau, the dean of American rock critics.Robert Christgau: Got it right.Brett: …who has been writing about popular music professionally for closing in on 50 years.…