Articles Journalists Should Share Their Own Climate Disasters It’s an important step in helping audiences to understand what’s at stake September 5, 2023 Jill Hopke Journalists Need More Training in the Art of Negotiation Internships and journalism schools should give their students the tools they need to push for transparency and fairness in the hiring process August 9, 2023 Kami Rieck How Journalists Can Protect Their Sources From the July newsletter: In the age of digital surveillance, journalists are taking extra precautions to protect their sources' identities August 7, 2023 Natalie De Rosa Tending to the Details As newsrooms hollow out and deepfakes become more prevalent, the need for mentors is greater than ever August 2, 2023 Ann Marie Lipinski A Dangerous Flight in ISIS Territory Moises Saman, NF ’23, on documenting the desperation of the Iraq war July 31, 2023 Moises Saman A Farewell From the Editor From the June newsletter: As he steps down, editor James Geary reflects on his time at Nieman Reports July 26, 2023 James Geary A Billionaire, A TV Network, And The Fight for a Free Press in India The hostile takeover of NDTV — one of India’s last channels willing to report critically on the Modi government — leaves few independent voices during a critical election cycle July 24, 2023 Vidya Krishnan Massachusetts Lawmakers Look to Streaming Services to Fund Public Access Media As local journalism contracts, community stations — which are seeing their own revenue decline — are becoming a key information source for communities July 20, 2023 Samantha Henry “Now I Know Why My Wife Was Fired from Her Government Job” In the age of digital surveillance, protecting sources vulnerable to retaliation requires an analog mindset July 19, 2023 Celeste Katz Marston Let’s Correct the Record on the Media’s Handling of the Clinton Email Story Why are marquee news outlets still unwilling to grapple with their role in the 2016 election? July 17, 2023 Issac J. Bailey Previous 1 … 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … 432 Next