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Monika Bauerlein

By Diversity September 10, 2014

Related Article Where Are the Women? Why we need more female newsroom leaders PLUS Read more stories from prominent female leaders I did consider leaving journalism, more than once. These days it’s down to a … Read more

Nancy Gibbs

By Diversity September 10, 2014

Related Article Where Are the Women? Why we need more female newsroom leaders PLUS Read more stories from prominent female leaders I doubt I have very many communications majors at Time. I have history majors, … Read more

Clara Jeffery

By Diversity September 10, 2014

Related Article Where Are the Women? Why we need more female newsroom leaders PLUS Read more stories from prominent female leaders Journalism is no different than any other profession in that it’s hard for women … Read more

Whitney Johnson

By Diversity September 10, 2014

Related Article Where Are the Women? Why we need more female newsroom leaders PLUS Read more stories from prominent female leaders Why have women had such little success in turning their names into brands people … Read more

Emily Ramshaw

By Diversity September 10, 2014

Related Article Where Are the Women? Why we need more female newsroom leadersPLUS Read more stories from prominent female leaders Don’t wait for someone to hand you a leadership opportunity; make one for yourself. The … Read more

Coming Home

By Nieman Notes September 9, 2014

Almost 50 years after Nat Nakasa, NF ’65, died and was buried 
in a New York cemetery, 
his remains have been brought back to South Africa. The repatriation fulfills not only Nat’s dream but the 
wish of a great … Read more

In Beijing’s Newsrooms

By August 28, 2014

In the first three decades in the history of the People’s Republic of China, the journalists called their newspapers “loudspeakers” and “bulletin boards” of the Communist Party and the government. Newspapers were not newspapers in the Western sense. The foremost … Read more

Stories of a Changing American South

By August 28, 2014

John Seigenthaler leaves in his wake a cadre of journalists—working with him, around him and for him over the past 75 years—whom he helped shape to understand that their work required a commitment to a set of standards. It required … Read more

Documentary Pioneer Robert Drew, NF ’55, Dies

August 28, 2014

Robert Drew, an innovator in broadcast journalism whose documentaries about John F. Kennedy helped define the cinéma vérité style of filmmaking, died on Wednesday at his home in Connecticut. He was 90. Before his Nieman Fellowship in 1955, Drew … Read more