
Why Journalists Shouldn't Be Blinded by Bad Science

Why Journalists Shouldn’t Be Blinded by Bad Science

Astronomer and longtime professor David J. Helfand has taught scientific habits of mind to generations of undergraduates at Columbia University. His first book, “A Survival Guide to the Misinformation Age:…
An AP Correspondent Examines Why Foreign News Matters

An AP Correspondent Examines Why Foreign News Matters

When Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest typhoons ever recorded, slammed into the Philippines in 2013, I rushed there from Bangkok to report on it with my colleagues from The…
Covering the Transgender Community

Covering the Transgender Community

How newsrooms are moving beyond the “coming out” story to report crucial transgender issues
Fifty Years of FOIA

Fifty Years of FOIA

Dave Philipps was well acquainted with the plight of troubled veterans when he heard about a soldier in the El Paso County jail two years ago. As a reporter at…
Why Uyghur Issues Go Unreported—In and Outside China

Why Uyghur Issues Go Unreported—In and Outside China

Greg Fay is project manager of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, a nonprofit human rights research, reporting, and advocacy organization promoting human rights and democracy for Uyghurs and others living…
Revitalizing Journalism in Brazil

Revitalizing Journalism in Brazil

It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance of the Amazon basin to Brazil. At approximately five million square kilometers, the region represents 59 percent of the country’s territory, an…
Melissa Bell of Vox Media: "Give People the Start of Understanding"

Melissa Bell of Vox Media: “Give People the Start of Understanding”

Melissa Bell is a journalist, technologist, and co-founder in 2014 of, a site focused on explainer journalism. In 2015, she assumed a corporate role at parent company Vox Media.…
How Newsrooms Handle Graphic Images of Violence

How Newsrooms Handle Graphic Images of Violence

Are images of violence and death too distressing to publish—or too important to ignore?
One Reporter's Lessons From Delivering His Own Newspaper

One Reporter’s Lessons From Delivering His Own Newspaper

The newly bought flashlight pierced the darkness, but the number on the house was nowhere to be seen.I hopped out of the warm car and crunched over ice covering the…
How Participatory Journalism Turns News Consumers into Collaborators

How Participatory Journalism Turns News Consumers into Collaborators

Julia Kumari Drapkin, a climate reporter, was living in Washington, D.C. in 2011 when she started noticing something odd about her lunch: Sandwich shops were being uncharacteristically stingy with their…